


2022 年初,《山东省黄河流域非物质文化遗产保护传承弘扬规划》与公众见面。山东省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长王磊表示,过去几年,山东把黄河文化遗产保护摆在突出位置,取得了一系列令人瞩目的成绩。






2022 年 7 月,国家文物局、文化和旅游部等多部门联合印发《黄河文物保护利用规划》,对黄河流域文物保护利用工作作出部署,提出将不断推动黄河文化「走出去」,推进黄河流域重要文物申报世界遗产。

黄河流域是中华文明起源和发展的核心地区。在中国 5000 多年文明史中,黄河流域有 3000 多年是全国政治、经济、文化的中心,孕育了河湟、关中、三晋、河洛、齐鲁等地域文化,分布有西安、郑州、洛阳、开封等古都,诞生了中国四大发明和《诗经》《论语》《老子》《史记》等经典着作。

黄河流域文物资源丰富。根据第三次全国文物普查登记结果显示,黄河流域 9 个省(区)共有不可移动文物 30 余万处,占全国的 39.73%,登记博物馆 1325 处、世界文化遗产 11 处、世界文化和自然混合遗产 1 处、世界灌溉工程遗产 3 处、全球重要农业文化遗产 3 处、中国重要农业文化遗产 19 处,以及国家历史文化名城 16 处、中国历史文化名镇 29 处、中国历史文化名村 91 处、中国传统村落 678 处。

国家文物局有关负责人指出,根据《黄河文物保护利用规划》,中国将实施黄河流域重大考古项目,系统阐明黄河流域社会文化演变、族群迁徙融合的基本脉络,科学揭示黄河文明的核心价值、典型特征和突出地位,实证中国百万年人类史、万年文化史和 5000 多年文明史发展历程。



去年 5 月,甘肃省博物馆、河南博物院、陕西历史博物馆、宁夏回族自治区博物馆、山东博物馆等「黄河流域博物馆联盟」推出的「木本水源——黄河流域史前文明展」上,200 余件(套)黄河流域史前文明代表性珍贵文物集中展出,「揭秘」黄河文明产生的自然因素、社会因素和形成场景,向观众系统呈现真实、立体、发展的黄河文明远古活态历史。其中,来自山东的后李文化、北辛文化、大汶口文化珍贵文物亮相,引起参观者的高度关注,也显示出山东黄河文物的丰富性和珍贵性。

山东黄河流域文化旅游资源富集,拥有世界遗产 4 处、列入中国世界文化遗产预备名单 1 处、国家历史文化名城 6 座、全国重点文物保护单位 141 处、不可移动文物近 1.7 万处,泰山、曲阜「三孔」、「天下第一泉」等景区享誉海内外。此外,黄河入海口黄蓝交汇奇观,以及黄河三角洲新生湿地、野生鸟类等独特的文旅资源,成为山东推动黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的突出优势。




在全长 183 公里的黄河济南段沿线,分布着众多古代遗址,各级博物馆里,也珍藏着大量出自黄河两岸的文物。目前,济南市正在筹建黄河博物馆,建成后,必将对济南市乃至山东省的黄河文物保护、展示与利用起到积极的推进作用,更将在保护、创新黄河文物展示利用方面跨上新台阶。

Tell the Stories of the Yellow river in the Language of history

—Protection and Utilization of Cultural Relics of the Yellow River

Yellow River culture is the roots and soul of the Chinese nation. Merging into the sea in Shandong, the tortuous Yellow River nourishes the land of Shandong, nurtures the people of Shandong, fosters Shandong culture, and shapes the psyche of the Shandong people. Protecting and utilizing the Yellow River cultural relics will help Shandong spread the stories of the Yellow River.

In the past few years, Shandong has put the preservation of the Yellow River cultural heritage high on its agenda and made remarkable achievements. Shandong has chosen extensive preservation over largescale development. It has carried out the following work: coordinated ecological conservation and high-quality development to build an ecological corridor featuring lucid water and lush mountains for tourism along the Yellow River; strictly controlled the capacity of scenic areas to reduce the negative impact of large-scale tourist activities on the natural and ecological environment and the historic and cultural heritage of the Yellow River; strengthened cultural relic preservation, including promoting the development of national archaeological site parks such as Lu State Ancient City and Dawenkou; and managed the preservation and restoration of key cultural relics such as the three Confucius sites in Qufu and the ancient building complex in Mount Tai.

In July 2022, a number of ministries, including the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, jointly issued the Plan for the Preservation and Utilization of Cultural Relics Along the Yellow River as part of their efforts to arrange for the preservation and utilization of cultural relics in the basin. In the Plan, it is proposed to constantly drive Yellow River culture to “go global” and advance the application for World Heritage status for important cultural relics in the basin.

The Yellow River Basin in Shandong Province boasts an abundance of cultural and tourism resources, including 4 World Heritages, 1 site included in the Chinese World Cultural Heritage Provisional List (“Spring City of Jinan Cultural Landscape”), 6 National Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, 141 key cultural heritage sites under state protection, and 17,000 immovable cultural relics. Tourist attractions such as Mount Tai, the three Confucius sites in Qufu, and the No. 1 Spring in China are famous both at home and abroad. A variety of unique cultural and tourism resources and cultural relics, represented by the spectacular scene of the “yellow-blue(river-sea) intersection” at the estuary of the Yellow River, as well as the newborn wetland and wild birds in the Yellow River Delta, play a remarkable role in promoting the ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin in Shandong.

作者 赵晓林