

2019 年,在黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展座谈会上,习近平总书记发出了「让黄河成为造福人民的幸福河」的伟大号召,擘画了黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的美好蓝图,这是千百年来中华儿女的夙愿,也为山东带来了千载难逢的重大历史机遇。

黄河,从上游一路咆哮奔腾,自河南兰考流至山东省东明县入境,呈北偏东流向,经山东省菏泽、济宁、泰安、聊城、济南、德州、滨州、淄博、东营 9 市,在垦利区注入渤海,河道长 628 公里。作为黄河流域重要省份,山东主动作为,扛牢贯彻落实黄河国家战略责任,全力探索山东黄河生态保护和高质量发展的路径。





In 2019, at a symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a great call for “Making the Yellow River a Happy River for the Benefit of the People”, and drew up a blueprint on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, which has been the Chinese people’s long-cherished wish for millennia, and provided marvelous historical opportunities for Shandong.

The Yellow River roars and surges forward from the upper reaches, enters Dongming, Shandong via Lankao, Henan, and joins the Bohai Sea in Kenli County by way of nine cities of Shandong, i.e. Heze, Jining, Tai’an, Liaocheng, Jinan, Dezhou, Binzhou, Zibo and Dongying. The river section has a length of 628km. As an important province in the Yellow River basin, Shandong took the initiative in shouldering and responsibility for implementing the Yellow River strategy, and spared no effort to explore a solution to ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River in Shandong.

The Shandong section of the Yellow River is wide at the top, narrow at the bottom, and dominated by the level of the river-bed being higher than the land. The situation is grim. Therefore, Shandong has strengthened rigid constraints on water resources, sped up efforts to improve the flood prevention and disaster reduction engineering system, and planned to promote the “Smart Yellow River” construction works, and to build a demonstration area for long-time pacification of the Yellow River. Meanwhile, Shandong has been thoroughly exploring the historical connotation of the Yellow River culture, properly narrating the Shandong Chapter of the “Yellow River Stories”, and striving to build Shandong into a large platform for “Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation”of the Yellow River culture.

作者 何延海