黄河奔涌 激荡文化新活力


济南与黄河的紧密联系始于 1855 年。彼时,绵延了几千公里的黄河浩浩汤汤来到济南,夺济水故道大清河入海,成为横贯济南的一条重要河流。

自此,黄河在济南蜿蜒而过,自平阴县东阿镇流入,在济阳区仁风镇流出,长约 183 公里,共流经 9 个区县(功能区),滋养着无数的济南儿女,深化着济南的历史文化内涵,也不断扩充着济南的文化深度。

保护传承弘扬黄河文化,是时代赋予济南的使命。未来 5 年,济南将深入挖掘阐发黄河文化丰富内涵和时代价值,系统保护黄河文化遗址,高标准规划建设黄河国家文化公园、齐长城国家文化公园,高标准建设国家文化出口基地,让黄河文化在新时代熠熠生辉。


春日里,置身绵延逶迤的黄河堤坝上,只见紫叶李花开叶茂,随春风摇曳生姿;往南望去,还可见佛山倩影。秋日里,黄河银杏林沿着大坝蜿蜒数十里,美得让人不忍步入其中。为了筑牢黄河安澜和生态保护屏障,今年济南将加快推动「智慧生态黄河」建设,推进齐济河、牧马河等河流综合治理,实施鹊山水库除险加固工程,完成 18 座小型水库除险加固,高标准建成黄河生态风貌带示范段,积极推进节水典范城市建设。


领略黄河文化遗产的魅力,即将开馆的黄河文化展览馆便是一个好去处。从楼顶向东远眺,鹊山、华山尽收眼底,历经百年洗礼的泺口黄河铁路大桥风光一览无遗,还有泺口浮桥、治黄德政碑、王士栋烈士雕塑等。创新推进黄河文化遗产保护,目前济南已编制实施《济南市黄河文化保护传承弘扬规划》,今年将开展黄河流域文物保护利用工程和 3 个黄河非遗展馆项目,推动齐长城国家文化公园、黄河国家文化公园(济南段)、黄河文化博物馆等重点项目建设,打造黄河文化保护传承弘扬样板区。


黄河,在济南留下了一串串历史人文印记。如何进一步挖掘黄河文化,破题黄河文化旅游?济南给出了答案,就是融合。为此,济南计划在新旧动能转换起步区布局建设一批公共文化馆群设施,加快推进一批重点文旅项目建设,培育创建一批国家级、省级文化产业示范园区;推进沿黄文化旅游带建设,打造一批乡村旅游集聚片区、民宿集聚片区和乡村旅游示范村,培育创建、指导评定一批 A 级景区、旅游休闲街区、红色旅游景区、乡村旅游重点村、景区化村庄……

Jinan has formed a connection with the Yellow River since 1855 when it took over the streamway of the Daqing River before heading for the sea. The Yellow River passes the city center of Jinan.

The Yellow River flows in from Dong’e Town in Pingyin County and flows out from Renfeng Town in Jiyang District. It flows through 9 districts and counties with a boundary line as long as 183 kilometers. These districts and counties have different resource characteristics and have advantages in the development of Jinan’s culture.

Jinan places emphasis on the protection and inheritance of the Yellow River culture based on actual situations. In the following five years, Jinan will apply and add value to the context of the Yellow River culture, systematically protect the cultural sites along the river, build the Yellow River National Cultural Park and the Qi Great Wall National Cultural Park to a high standard, and create a high-level national culture export base, vitalizing the Yellow River culture in the new era.

作者 齐月