

疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。3 月疫情暴发以来,潍坊市财政部门坚决贯彻落实市委、市政府决策部署,积极作为、快速行动,充分发挥财政职能作用,为防疫战疫提供了有力保障。



截至目前,紧急拨付资金 8700 万元,支持建设硬气膜核酸检测实验室,实现每天检测 18.5 万管,有效满足大规模新冠病毒核酸检测需求。另外,安排预算 5000 万元,继续支持核酸检测「应检尽检」和疫苗全民免费接种,筑牢疫情防控「防护网」;安排预算 2300 万元,支持采用商业储备方式,新增储备防护物资 3 类 12 个品种和核酸检测试剂耗材 97 种,总价值共计 1.9 亿元,有力支持疫情防控。





W here there is an epidemic, there is an order. To prevent and control the epidemic is the responsibility of every citizen. Resolutely implementing the decisions and deployments of Weifang Municipal Party Committee and Weifang People’s Government, Weifang Finance has given full play to its fiscal function to provide a strong guarantee for the prevention and control of the epidemic by making immediate responses and taking active measures since the outbreak of the epidemic in March, 2022. Adhering to the principles of “handling special affairs with special methods” and “immediate handling upon request”, the staff of Weifang Finance are on standby at all time to achieve “coming on duty immediately in emergency responses” and “instant completion of business transactions”, and ensure the funds for epidemic prevention and control to be allocated in place the first time they are needed, never allowing the epidemic prevention and control to be delayed due to financial problems.

作者 杨效伟 郑建凤