

莱州草辫,是一项广为流传的传统工艺,源于莱州沙河一带的农村,距今已有 1500 多年的历史,是国家级非物质文化遗产。


《辞海》记载:「我国草帽辫尤以山东掖县(今莱州市)的产品最为着名」。《莱州市志》也记载:「莱州草辫源于沙河一带农村,1500 年前的沙河农民受发辫的启示,用三根光亮洁白的麦秆草掐出了人字形的草辫」。后人使用草辫做草帽又得名「草帽辫」。莱州草辫技艺,明代经直隶、豫州等地,在国内传播。

19 世纪 40 年代,用草辫生产的工艺品,成为我国最早进入西方市场的商品之一,沙河由此成为全国草辫生产和出口的中心。至 19 世纪中叶,辫商云集莱州沙河,坐庄收购草帽辫,由烟台、青岛、天津出口外运,港口码头呈现一片繁忙景象。

1896 年,湖广总督张之洞在鄂创办草辫业,特聘掖县(即莱州)艺人前去传艺。20 世纪初,全国草辫四大名品「沙河白」「沙河黄」「沙河锯条」「莱州花」均为掖县人所创。其品质之优,为当时意大利「正草黄」和日本「噼草货」所不及。1915 年,四大名品在美国旧金山举办的太平洋巴拿马万国博览会上获特别奖,被誉为世界最优质草帽辫。

新中国成立初期,草辫技艺遍及莱州、平度、昌邑等地村庄,出现了许多能工巧匠,创新出不超过两毫米细的「细扩草」、「扇子面」、「筛子」、「棕子」、「蜈蚣」等优质品种。码放如山的各种草辫巧夺天工,千姿百态,各具特色。据《莱州二轻工业志》载:「老艺人李玉屏可用麦杆草掐出两千多种草辫花样」。1957 年后,由单一麦杆草原料发展成以玉米皮为主料的各种草艺品多达 4000 多种。


20 世纪 50 年代,主要产品在传统的麦秆编制的草帽、提篮等基础上,增加了玉米皮编制的提篮、提袋、茶垫、坐垫、地席、门帘、果盒、纸篓、拖鞋以及用麦草制作的贴画贴盒等。麦草贴画集油画、工笔画等艺术于一身,多表现花鸟虫鱼、虎啸深山、鹿鸣翠谷、秋菊傲霜、红梅吐香、悬崖飞流等题材。麦草贴盒多取型于东西方古建筑,或楼、台、亭、阁,或教堂、古堡,或城市一条街,或乡村院落等等,为各国艺术爱好者和收藏家所喜爱。



Laizhou straw plait is a popular traditional craft originated from the rural villages around Shahe, Laizhou. With a history of over 1,500 years, it is a national-level intangible cultural heritage.

After being interlaced up and down, a handful of wheats and several straws will be instantly turned into such fine artifacts as a straw hat, a straw basket, and a straw fan.

According to Cihai, “No straw plaits excel those made in County Ye, Shandong (today’s Laizhou City).” It was also recorded in the Annals of Laizhou City, “Laizhou straw plait originated from the rural areas around Shahe. Inspired by plaits, farmers in Shahe made a herringbone straw plait with three bright and white wheats.” Later generations made the straw hat with straw plaits and named it as the“straw plait.” The craft of Laizhou straw plait spread throughout China via Zhili and Yuzhou in the Ming Dynasty.

In the 1840s, artifacts made by straw plaits became one of the earliest commodities exported to the Western market from China and Shahe thus became the national center for the production and export of straw plaits. In the mid-19th century, straw plait merchants went to Shahe, Laizhou in swarms, purchased straw plaits as resident buyers and exported and shipped them to Yantai, Qingdao and Tianjin for export, which ports and wharfs became hectic accordingly.

作者 仙辑