


存贷款稳步增长,贷款增量居全省前列。9 月末,全市各项存款余额 12126.5 亿元,同比增长 7.7%,较年初增加 908.7 亿元,居全省第 4 位。其中,住户存款余额 7756.1 亿元,同比增长 13.13%。全市各项贷款余额 9895.2 亿元,同比增长 13.5%,较年初增加 1022.1 亿元,居全省第 3 位;全市银行机构新发放的企业贷款加权平均利率为 4.89%,同比下降 0.18 个百分点。

上市工作有序推进,后备梯队持续壮大。截至目前,今年全市新增上市公司 2 家,总数达到 38 家;在交易所排队审核企业 3 家,在山东证监局辅导备案企业 15 家,与券商签约企业 52 家,上市梯队持续扩充。前三季度,全市非金融企业实现直接融资 324.1 亿元,其中债券融资 310.31 亿元。

金融服务不断创新,赋能经济发展成效更强。今年以来,潍坊市创新开展「银行行长项目行」活动,已走进安丘、坊子等 10 个县市区,现场对接项目 92 个,跟进对接项目 300 余个,完成授信 165 亿元,发放贷款 123 亿元,办贷时间平均缩短 20% 以上。为强化疫情防控期间助企纾困,潍坊市印发了《金融服务支持疫情防控和经济社会发展的若干措施》,协调银行机构累计办理资金接续业务贷款 16369 户、322.65 亿元。潍坊市再担保集团成功入选省「十强」产业现代金融领军企业,是山东省金融行业入选的两家企业之一。截至 9 月末,全市 84 家地方金融组织累计为 10.6 万户「三农」和小微企业客户提供融资支持 472.3 亿元,同比增长 41.3%。

守牢金融安全底线,发展根基更加稳固。9 月末,全市不良贷款余额 76.1 亿元,不良贷款率 0.77%,为全省第 2 低,低于全省平均水平 0.6 个百分点。今年,潍坊市修订了《潍坊市非法集资举报奖励办法》,奖励金额提升到最高 10 万元;启动全市金融安全「百千万宣教工程」,覆盖 120 余万人次。同时,邀请国内经济金融专家、金融投资机构等为潍坊高质量发展把脉支招,普及金融知识,提振市场信心,营造了浓厚的金融氛围。


W ith more and more financial resources flowing to the real economy, the matching degree between financial supply and the real economy is constantly improving in Weifang. Centering around the task deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the People’s Government, the financial system of Weifang has solidly promoted the quality and efficiency improvement of such key work as bank-enterprise docking, enterprise listing, and risk preven- tion. The financial industry in Weifang has operated steadily on the whole, providing strong support for high-quality economic development.

The deposit and loan increase steadily and the loan increment ranks top in Shandong. At the end of September, the balance of all deposits Weifang was 1212.65 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 7.7%, an increase of 90.87 billion yuan compared with that at the beginning of the year, ranking fourth in Shandong. The balance of household deposits was 775.61 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 13.13%. The balance of various loans in Weifang is 989.52 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 13.5%, an increase of 102.21 billion yuan compared with that at the beginning of this year, ranking third in Shandong. The weighted average interest rate of new corporate loans issued by banking institutions was 4.89%, with a year-onyear fall of 0.18 percentage points.

作者 旺秋