潍坊出台政府性融资担保新政 强力帮助企业纾困解难

潍城区第二批服务业中小微企业失业保险稳岗返还补贴发放仪式举行。图/刘晓杰 Granting Ceremony of Unemployment Insurance and Subsidy for Steady Employment to the Second Batch of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Weicheng District.

企业是推动经济高质量发展的重要主体。近日,潍坊市财政局联合工信局等四部门印发《关于进一步发挥政府性融资担保作用强化助企纾困的实施意见的通知》,对原有融资担保政策进行调整优化,持续发挥政府性融资担保助企纾困作用。该政策重点支持单户担保金额 1000 万元及以下的小微企业、「三农」主体、创业创新以及符合条件的战略性新兴产业项目,主要有五个新特点:


担保费用再让利。政府性融资担保机构在可持续经营的前提下,实行优惠担保费率,规定纳入省再担保范围的融资担保业务平均担保费率原则上不超过 1%,市级政府性融资担保机构继续执行免担保再担保费、免抵质押政策。

担保补贴机制再细化。自政策发布之日起至 2023 底,继续执行免担保再担保费、免抵质押政策,财政部门按年化担保费率 1% 给予担保机构降费补贴;2024 年财政部门减半给予 0.5% 的降费补贴。

风险补偿机制再优化。在银担 2:8 分险基础上,进一步明确国家、省、市、县四级担保主体分险责任。担保代偿上限由 8% 调整为 4%,对市、县承担的净代偿额,财政部门分档给予风险补偿。


W eifang Finance Bureau, together with other four departments, issued the new policy of government financing guarantee, which adjusts and optimizes the original financing guarantee policy, and continues to play the role of in helping enterprises to cope with difficulties. This new policy mainly supports small and micro enterprises with a single guarantee amount of 10 million yuan or less, entities of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, entrepreneurship and innovation, and qualified strategic emerging industry projects to help enterprises to solve their financial difficulties.

作者 孙建民