


2020 年,济南将「北跨」方针升级为「北起」,凸显了对新旧动能转换先行区寄予的期望。近期,从中共济南市委十一届十二次全体会议到市委经济工作会议再到市两会,「济南新旧动能转换起步区」均成为新时代现代化强省会建设布局中的关键热词。


济南先行区今年 2 月召开的 2021 年工作动员部署大会上透露,经过省市的高站位谋划和持续性聚焦,先行区扛起了践行黄河国家战略核心示范区的重任,开启了从先行区迈入起步区的转型,实现了从省市聚力向国家赋能、流域支撑的能级跃升。主动服务雄安新区建设,加强济南新旧动能转换起步区与雄安新区协同发展。加大改革创新力度,全面复制推广自由贸易试验区、国家级新区、国家自主创新示范区和全面创新改革试验区经验政策,持续激发新旧动能转换的动力活力。


Jinan will use the city’s entire resources to promote the construction of the pilot zone, building it into a forerunner of reform, a practitioner of self-dependent innovation, a model of opening up and a cluster of green industry, in keeping with the most advanced concept, the highest standard and the best quality.

Grasping the historic opportunity of implementing the national strategy, Jinan Pioneer Zone For Replacing Old Growth Drivers With New Ones has taken the initiative to pushing forward reform and speeding up high-quality development, based on the gathering of intensive innovation resources, the development of high-end emerging industries, and the construction of new platforms for opening up and cooperation.

作者 诸葛