
潍坊市中医院慢病服务中心提供接诊、联网、结算一站式服务。One-stop Services of Reception, Networking and Settlement Provided by the Chronic Disease Service Center of Weifang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

近日,记者从潍坊市医保局了解到,潍坊全市目前已有 34 家定点医疗机构提供门诊慢特病相关治疗费用跨省直接结算,县域覆盖率已达到 100%。自此,潍坊市基本实现全部医保统筹类别异地报销跨省通办。

作为关系群众切身利益的民生工程,2017 年以来,潍坊市异地就医结算工作一步一个脚印、一年一个台阶,群众能够深切感受到变化就在身边。从住院结算起步,结算范围逐步扩展到普通门诊、门诊慢特病,覆盖全部统筹报销类别。从 2022 年 7 月开始,高血压、糖尿病、尿毒症透析、恶性肿瘤门诊放化疗、器官移植术后抗排异治疗 5 种门诊慢特病纳入跨省直接结算;截至 9 月初,全市已有 416 家住院联网、489 家门诊联网定点医疗机构,联网直接结算累计已达 153521 人次、217846.19 万余元;允许跨省长期居住人员在备案地和参保地双向享受待遇,将有效破解人员往来产生的就医报销困扰。

异地联网结算为老人、行动不便患者带来切实便利。Remote Online Settlement Brings Practical Convenience to the Elderly and Patients with Limited Mobility.

Reporter has recently learned from Weifang Municipal Healthcare Security Administration that 34 designated medical institutions now provide services on direct across-provincial settlement for the outpatient treatment costs related to chronic and special diseases, and the coverage rate in counties has reached 100%. From now on, Weifang has basically achieved all types of medical insurance reimbursement in different places across the province.

From July 2022, five outpatient chronic and special diseases have been included in the direct cross-provincial settlement, including hypertension, diabetes, dialysis for uremia, outpatient radiotherapy and chemotherapy for malignant tumors, and anti-rejection treatment after organ transplantation. As of the beginning of September, there have 416 inpatient networking and 489 outpatient networking designated medical institutions in Weifang, with a total direct networking settlement of 153,521 person times and a total settlement amount of 21,78.4619 million yuan. To allow cross-provincial longterm residents to enjoy treatment in both the recorded place and the insured place will effectively solve the problem of medical reimbursement caused by personnel exchanges.

作者 王路欣