

莱阳市地处胶东半岛腹地,是着名的「中国梨乡」、「中国恐龙之乡」、「中国书法之乡」、「中国花生油之乡」和国家级非物质文化遗产「螳螂拳」的发源地,先后荣获中国绿色食品城、中国绿色名市、国家食品安全示范县、第一批国家农业产业化示范基地、全国科普示范市、省级文明市等荣誉称号。目前,已建成 3A 级旅游景区 3 处,2A 级旅游景区 1 处,国家级地质公园 1 处,省级旅游度假区 1 处。

近年,莱阳文旅特色产业融合呈现新业态。结合地理位置、生态资源等优势,莱阳每年举办梨花节、梨文化节、樱花节等独具地方特色的节庆活动,打造莱阳乡村旅游特色。今年 4 月,莱阳市谭格庄镇的李家沟村、山前店镇的南张夼村、姜疃镇濯村、照旺庄镇西陶漳村被评为首批山东省景区化村庄。

目前,有以千亿级恒大世纪文化城、恒大文化旅游城为引领的重点文旅项目;李家沟村依托村庄得天独厚的自然条件和古村风貌,引进资本建设民宿项目;南张夼村正在打造以农家乐、民宿、休闲采摘为主的碧水田园项目;濯村·度假目的地项目,成方连片建设 150 余栋房屋,打造胶东特色的鲁派民居。


Situated in the hinterland of Jiaodong Peninsula, Laiyang is known as the Township of Pears in China, the Township of Dinosaurs in China, the Township of Calligraphy in China, the Township of Peanut Oil in China and the origin of mantis boxing, a national-level intangible cultural heritage. It successively won the honorary titles of the City of Green Food in China, the Famous Green City in China, the National Demonstration County for Food Safety, one of the first group of national demonstration bases for agriculture industrialization, the National Demonstration City for the Popularization of Science, and the Provincial-level Civilized City. To date, it has completed three AAA scenic areas, one AA scenic area, one national-level geological park, and one provincial-level tourism resort.

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