

五渔村是里奥马焦雷、马纳罗拉、科尔尼利亚、韦尔纳扎、蒙特罗索 5 个悬崖边上的渔村的统称。一千多年前,当地人将利古里亚海边陡峭的山坡改造成适合耕种的田地,并在此垒起石墙而居,这就是五渔村。

5 个渔村从南至北排列在利古里亚海岸,过去只能从海路或山路才能到达,所以自中世纪以来,这里几乎一直与世隔绝。恰恰因此,渔村的淳朴民风和自然风光得以完好保存。五渔村凭借独特的风景,1997 年被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录,1999 年被评为国家公园,受到无数游客的青睐。

渔村之间景点串联,拥有一整套立体而便捷的交通体系,游客可以选择乘坐火车或轮渡游览,亦可徒步旅行。把 5 个村庄串起来的徒步线路,沿着海岸而建,约 15 至 20 公里,一边是深邃的地中海,另一边则是怪石林立的山脉。数小时的徒步旅行,或许更能让人细细体会和感受意大利乡村之美。

5 个渔村相互独立且各具特色。地处最南端的里奥马焦雷,是其中最大也是唯一有码头的渔村。码头两侧的山岩上建满了色彩斑斓的房屋,被誉为「上帝打翻的调色板」。马纳罗拉因为三面临海,一面靠山,深受摄影家喜爱,因此也是知名度最高、出镜率最多的渔村。科尔尼利亚海拔最高,拥有漫山遍野的葡萄园,五颜六色的房屋与青山植被产生鲜明对比,增添了诸多情趣。韦尔纳扎坐落于一个岬角上,城堡、教堂依傍着蔚蓝海岸,村子里的石板路和建筑群保留着中世纪的风格。蒙特罗索位于五渔村最西北边,不仅拥有海滩,还具备齐全的旅游设施。海滩边林立着许多餐厅和商店,商业气息浓郁。


Cinque Terre on Cliffs

The Cinque Terre is the collective name of five cliff-side fishing villages, Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso in the coastal area of La Spezia, Liguria, Italy.

The five villages, which are distributed on the Ligurian Riviera from south to north, were accessible only by sea or mountain roads in the past. Since the Middle Ages, they had been almost isolated from the world. Thus, the simple folkways and natural scenery of these villages are well-preserved. Relying on unique scenery, the Cinque Terre was inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1997, rated as a national park in 1999, and enjoyed popularity among countless tourists.

The scenic spots of these villages are connected, and have a three-dimensional and convenient transportation system. Visitors can choose to travel by train or ferry, or go hiking. The hiking route linking the five villages was built along the coastline, with a length of 15 to 20 kilometers. On one side, there is the deep Mediterranean; on the other, there are a great number of jagged rocks. Perhaps, through several hours of hiking, the rural beauty of Italy could be further experienced and felt.

Colored houses are undoubt- edly the most spectacular in the Cinque Terre. Since ancient times, the villagers there have lived on fishing. The husbands went out for fishing while the wives kept the house. They had to look at each other across the sea, and suffer from lovesickness. One day, a fisherman’s wife had a brainwave, and painted their house in various colors, which not only expressed her yearning, but also enabled her husband returning from the sea to see their home at a glance. Villagers followed her example. As time passed, it gradually became a custom. Now, these colorful houses have become the most gorgeous scenery there.

作者 飞扬