

  credit scoring 信贷记分
  A statistical technique used to determine whether to extend credit (and if so, how much) to a borrower.
  credit spread 信贷息差
  A spread option position in which the price of the option sold is greater than the price of the option bought.
  credit squeeze 信贷紧缩
  Government measures designed to limit the supply of credit in the economy, in order to curb inflation by controlling growth in the money supply.
  credit swap 信用互换
  A swap designed to transfer the credit exposure of fixed income products between parties.
  credit union 信用合作社
  A non-profit financial institution that is owned and operated entirely by its members.
  credit unions 信用合作社
  A non-profit financial institution that is owned and operated entirely by its members.
  creditor 债权人
  A person or business that has a claim to the assets of a business; a person or business to which money is owed. May be secured (the debt has been registered against the property of the debtor) or unsecured.
  creditworthiness 信誉度
  A creditor's measure of an individual's or company's ability to meet debt obligations.
  critical mass 关键规模
  The size at which a business or market undergoes a fundamental change in regard to operations.
  CRM 客户关系管理
  Customer relationship management.Those aspects of a business strategy which relate to techniques and methods for attracting and retaining customers.
  CROGI 总投资现金回报率
  A measure of financial performance calculated as gross cash flow after taxes divided by gross investment.
  cross 交叉交易
  When a broker receives a buy and sell order for the same stock at the same price, and subsequently makes a simultaneous trade between two separate customers.
  cross default 连带违约
  A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement that puts the borrower in default if the borrower defaults on another obligation.
  cross hedge 交叉对冲
  Hedging one instrument's risk by taking a different position with a related derivatives contract.
  cross hedging 交叉持股
  Hedging one instrument's risk by taking a different position with a related derivatives contract.
  cross rate 交叉汇率
  The exchange rate between two currencies expressed as the ratio of two foreign exchange rates that are both expressed in terms of a third currency. Foreign exchange rate between two currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the currency in which most exchanges are usually quoted.