


从高空俯瞰建设中的明水古城,青砖黑瓦的明清建筑群井然有序地坐落在百脉泉公园旁。她与明水古城西边的眼明泉泉系、北边的绣江河自然风貌公园无缝连接,巧妙地把百脉泉泉群融入其中。项目还建设有游客中心、布坊、冶坊、孟家大院等。景区建成运营后,一年可接待游客 500 万人。

在女郎山脚下,亦有一座以宋风雅韵为设计理念的古城——绣惠古城正在热火朝天地建设中。古城结合章丘历史、清照文化,在原址复建老县衙、文庙、钟鼓楼、绣江书院、城门楼等标志性建筑,发展景点消费、场景体验、零售、餐饮、休闲娱乐、住宿六大业态体系,打造「5+2」「白 + 黑」的新旅游度假模式,成为「齐鲁古道文旅走廊」又一个文旅新地标。


华侨城绣源河文旅综合项目,以世界级的城市滨水文化旅游度假区为功能定位,以「一轴一带,四廊七板块」为总体架构,建设内容涵盖主题公园、特色小镇、文化体验、主题酒店、湿地公园、休闲商业、创意产业、宜居社区等诸多业态。2020 年 9 月 27 日,华侨城首期项目欢乐荟正式亮相。携手「国家宝藏」「中国国家地理」「360 极限飞球」三大国家级 IP,打造集文化体验中心、科技体验中心、家庭娱乐中心、潮流运动中心、青少年教育中心为一体的体验式文化旅游综合项目。今后还将引入大型水公园、海洋世界、主题酒店、主题商区、冰雪项目、国际大马戏等,塑造北方地区文旅新城镇标杆。

此外,章丘白云湖也与国内知名文旅企业长鹿集团牵手,谋划布局长鹿白云湖国际生态旅游度假区项目。长鹿白云湖国际生态旅游度假区将依托广东长鹿休博园的建设经验,结合「中国龙山·泉韵章丘」城市区域品牌和长鹿模式,打造一个占地 2500 余亩总投资超 30 亿元的「升级版」国际度假区。建成后的长鹿白云湖国际生态旅游度假区将大幅提高白云湖知名度和美誉度,与明水古城、绣源河华侨城等文旅项目形成优势互补、协同发展的新格局。

Zhangqiu district has several name cards that are powerful endorsements for its profound cultural features and elegant natural scenery. Leveraging its specific regional characteristics, Zhangqiu strives to build a cultural and tourism corridor along the Qilu ancient road, speed up the construction of major cultural and tourism projects such as the Mingshui Ancient City, the Overseas Chinese Town of Xiuhui Ancient City and the Changlu Baiyun Lake International Ecological Tourism Resort. A grand spectacle with gleamy unveiling of mountain, water, spring and lake is emerging.

The Mingshui Ancient City, integrating the Baimai Spring group, and excellent traditional cultures such as Qingzhao culture, folk culture, spring culture and Confucian merchant culture, is a key project at the provincial and municipal levels. Following the distinctive style of the Song Dynasty and the Qingzhao Culture, the Xiuhui Ancient City will blend Zhangqiu’s history with Qingzhao culture to present a commercial space with elements of the Song style, igniting enthusiasm all day and night based on its “5 plus 2” operation model. The Xiuyuan River Cultural and Tourism Comprehensive Project consists of one axis, one belt, four corridors and seven plates, and includes theme parks, characteristic towns, cultural experience, theme hotels, wetland parks, leisure and commerce, creative industries, liveable communities and etc. The Changlu Baiyun Lake International Ecological Tourism Resort is currently under planning.

作者 诸葛