

在泰安新泰市流传着一句话:「三天三夜不睡觉,愿听新泰梆子调」,当地百姓对新泰梆子的喜爱程度可见一斑。据当地孙氏家谱记载,新泰梆子自十九世纪末传承至今,已有 120 多年的历史。新泰梆子扎根民间,吸取了山东梆子、河南梆子、莱芜梆子及柳琴戏的精华,唱腔带有地方方言,表演风格朴实自然、通俗易懂,深受当地百姓的喜爱。

当前,新泰梆子的灵魂人物是 61 岁的孙复常,他是新泰梆子第三代传承人、百花梆子剧团团长。孙复常的爷爷孙风同于清光绪年间外出学艺大平调,后回新泰老家组建戏班,所演出的戏曲逐渐演变为带有地方风格的新泰梆子。自此,新泰梆子在当地流行开来,找孙风同学戏的人络绎不绝。孙风同的儿子孙玉志子承父业,在泰沂山区学戏教戏数十载。

孙复常受家族熏陶自幼登台,1979 年进公社宣传队,后入蒙阴县剧团。1986 年剧团解散,孙复常倾囊收购了原剧团的服装道具,回老家新泰组建了泰安地区第一家个体户剧团。孙复常表演风格诙谐幽默,乡土气息浓厚,特别是高腔部分响亮独特,其中,一个音调能转十八弯更是他的绝活。




孙复常的妻子刘翠 13 岁学戏,是国家级优秀演员,夫妻二人几十年风雨同舟,编创演出了多个优秀剧目。可喜的是,孙复常的儿子孙西明作为第四代传承人,已逐渐在演出中挑起了大梁。

An Old Man’s Attachment to Bangzi

Xintai Bangzi (Wooden Clapper Opera) popular in Xintai City, Tai’an, has absorbed the essence of Shandong Bangzi, Henan Bangzi, Laiwu Bangzi and Liuqin Opera. With dialectal singing, as well as simple, natural and easy-to-understand performance style, it enjoys great popularity among the local people.

At present, the soul of Xintai Bangzi is 61-year-old Sun Fuchang, who is the third-generation inheritor thereof. In recent years, he has created a number of modern operas close to life. In addition, his troupe has gone to the countryside more than once, and volunteered to perform in nursing homes and campuses.

Sun Fuchang was awarded the titles of National Excellent Screenwriter, National Excellent Actor, and rated as one of the first batch of Qilu Culture Stars in Shandong Province. Besides, Xintai Baihua Bangzi Troupe won the first prize at the Joint Performance by Rural Troupes of the First Shandong ICIF, and went to Beijing twice for shows. Xintai Bangzi has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage conservation item.

Learning the opera at age 13, Sun Fuchang’s wife Liu Cui is now a national excellent actress. The couple have stood together through thick and thin for several decades, and created and performed numerous excellent plays. It is gratifying that their son Sun Ximing, as the fourth-generation inheritor, has gradually played the leading role in performances.

作者 陈文进 张鑫焱