
中国是农业大国,农村稳方能天下安,农业兴方能基础牢,农民富方能国家盛,因此,重农固本是安民之基、治国之要。新中国成立 70 多年来,从开展土地改革到实行农业合作化,从建立家庭联产承包责任制到推进农村承包地「三权分置」,从打好脱贫攻坚战到实施乡村振兴战略,农业农村发生了历史性变革,发生了翻天覆地的变化,广阔乡村越来越大有可为。
山东是农业大省,2013 年 11 月,习近平总书记视察山东时强调,「保障粮食安全是一个永恒的课题,任何时候都不能放松。」「要给农业插上科技的翅膀。」2018 年 6 月,习近平总书记再次视察山东时指出,「农业大省的责任首先是维护国家粮食安全。」
山东牢记习近平总书记嘱托,统筹谋划、勇探新路,加快培育农业农村发展新动能,不断提升农业综合效益和竞争力,农业农村经济发展形势持续向好。2020 年,全省农林牧渔业总产值达到 10190.6 亿元,成为中国首个农业总产值超过万亿元的省份。2021 年,山东粮食总产量达到 1100.1 亿斤,首次突破 1100 亿斤大关,是全国 5 个增产 10 亿斤以上的省份之一。值得一提的是,山东扎实推进农业农村高质量发展,创造了诸多「全国第一」:农产品出口额连续 22 年领跑全国;19 个县(市、区)上榜「2020 中国乡村振兴百佳示范县市」,数量居全国首位;肉蛋奶总产量连续多年稳居全国首位;蔬菜及食用菌总产量连续多年稳居全国首位;国家级海洋牧场 54 个,占全国 40%,数量居全国首位……
「现代农业发展空间仍然很大,现代农村是一片大有可为的土地、希望的田野。」习近平总书记的话提振信心,鼓舞干劲。在强农惠农政策的引导下,农业得到更多科技、人才、资本、项目方面的扶持和支持,正在实现高质高效发展的转型。放眼齐鲁大地,青岛农业「国际客厅」开门纳客,国际农业会展交易中心、超级植物工厂、国际农业双创交流中心等项目投入使用;山东农业大学孔令让科研团队攻克小麦「癌症」赤霉病;一棵海藻能衍生出几十个不同品种的产品,补钙菜、降血压辣椒、高维 C 辣椒等一个个功能性蔬菜品种让人耳目一新……如今,农业功能不断拓展,已从传统的农林牧渔业生产环节,拓展到生产、加工、物流、营销、服务等全产业链的各个环节,并悄然进入人们生活的方方面面。

Shandong is a strong agricultural province. In November 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during a visit to Shandong, “Ensuring food security is an eternal task, and cannot be loosened at any time.” “We should add the wings of science and technology to agriculture.” In June 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping indicated during another visit to Shandong,“The primary responsibility of a big agricultural province is safeguarding national food security.”
In 2020, Shandong realized a total output value of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery up to RMB 1.01906 trillion, becoming Chi- na’s first province to realize a total agricultural output value exceeding RMB 1 trillion. In 2021, Shandong realized a total grain output of 55.005 billion kilograms, exceeding 55 billion kilograms for the first time, and became one of the five provinces nationwide that have increased grain output by more than 500 million kilograms. Moreover, Shandong has steadily propelled the high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas, and created numerous “National Firsts”: leading the country in terms of agricultural exports for 22 years in a row; having 19 counties (cities / districts) selected into “China’s Top 100 Demonstration Counties / Cities for Rural Revitalization of 2020”, ranking first in terms of quantity; ranking first nationwide in terms of the total output of meat, milk and eggs for many consecutive years; ranking first nationwide in terms of the total output of vegetables and edible mushrooms for many consecutive years; having 54 national marine ranches, which account for 40% of that of entire country, ranking first in terms of quantity...
When spring is evident everywhere, peasant begin preparing for spring plowing. They sow seeds and hope in vast stretches of fields.
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